Showing posts with label Daggerheart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daggerheart. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Daggerheart: The Beta: The Twitch Thread: The Blog Adaptation: Part 1


As logos go, it's fine.
Howdy, Farmhands.

    There is a non-zero chance that if you are reading this blog within a reasonable time of it's debut, you have found me specifically because I read the Daggerheart Playtest Document and live-twote my reactions. My meager audience of just shy of 400 followers ballooned to 700+ in a five day period, simply because the SEO Gods (cruel and fickle as they are), saw fit to put my dumbass ramblings in front of thousands of people. This was a mistake, and led to the creation of this very blog.

    Confetti and noisemakers all around.

    Unfortunately, those stream of conscious ramblings are, again, originally to be found on Twitter. And while it's death is a slow and agonizing one, it's one I'd be stupid not to preempt by repoasting my content elsewhere. Therefore, today, I will be taking my megathread and compiling it here, editing for readability and not much else. They've already released the next patch notes. So now I have to read those too.

God fucking damnit.

Solo-Ish, An Experiment - Overview

I would lose my mind if I had to type in 65193 every single roll This post and others like it was made possible by members of my Patreon , w...