Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

I made a blog.


You, probably, after reading how good my Thinks are.

Howdy, Farmhands.

    My name is Gadda. I'm a man who wears a bunch of different hats depending on the hour, but the roles you may or may not be familiar with are as follows: He/They, Vtuber, TTRPG Designer, Cake Decorator, Chicken Tender, Wife Guy. And this here is my blog, in which I intend to POAST about these things.

    I don't consider myself to be any sort of expert on any subject; frankly, I'm too frequently wrong to lie to myself about that. But I do have the unfortunate habit of regurgitating the things I Think I Know with the confidence of a man who's won awards for his opinions, which leads to people assuming I'm an expert. I would like to apologize in advance for that. 

    I'm still getting the hang of this platform, as well as learning the process of turning my shorter form thoughts and too-long ramblings into a more readable form. You can get updates via email somehow. Maybe get an RSS Feed and slap my url into it. (Google it, they're great actually.) And who knows, maybe some nugget of wisdom will be worth something to you.

Until Next Time,

            Farmer Gadda

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