Sunday, April 21, 2024

The SANIC Hack: Part 3 - Blessed be the Hog

3 of God's Specialist Little Babies (non-derogatory)
-IDW Sonic the Hedgehog #4, Evan Stanley

Howdy, Farmhands.

    I've had exactly One interaction with Evan Stanley on social media. She briefly marred me with the horrific possibilities of 'Acoustic Eurobeat.' Anyway, tl;dr: Gadda gives Feats and Titles a fancy new name.

    In an effort to differentiate Fantastic Furries from their less magical counterparts, I'm putting together a short list of options to be taken during Character Creation. I considered having separate combinations be available depending on what KIND of furry you're using, but frankly, that's boring. I'd much rather someone try to explain to me how their Fox OC has the power of flight, (he has, uh... two tails? And they spin like helicopter blades?) than limit their choices just because it doesn't match what -I- imagine they SHOULD do. Non-furry PCs, should they be included in the final product, will be differentiated by their lack of a Blessing at Creation, though that doesn't prevent them from acquiring one during play if the adventures lead them to one.

    Blessings are not meant to be something earned through training, but rather, something that is conferred upon a PC by another. Suitably powerful individuals may grant a magical ability to someone who's done them a favor, sleeping next to radioactive meteors might mean you wake up with Force Powers, stuff like that. The current plan is that these will work more like micro-mechanics instead of a simple +1 to a stat. Every player will roll the same dice and follow the same rules, but a Blessing will include a unique or variant rule for that player specifically. I'm not particularly interested in balancing them perfectly, either.  

    Unlike some games with page upon pages of Feats, these are meant to be a one time choice to color your focus for the rest of the game, OR a special extra something given to a character to shake up their experience. Scaling abilities or Blessings that become stronger over time feels like too much of a stretch from the diegetic advancement found in the game I'm starting from, here.

I'm also Very Open to opinions on any of the following, please feel free to comment on your social media of choice, I love interacting with my audience.

Flight - The wind in your wings, a gut-churning dive, the end of the horizon and a bright blue sky. You've broken your shackle to the ground, and now you are limitless.

    -Unless otherwise restrained, you can choose to use a portion of your Movement to move Vertically. Any vertical movement beyond 10 feet puts you Out of Range for Melee attacks.
    -While flying, an Ally can use you as a Mount, provided they have at least 1 hand free to hang on, and You have 2 hands free to hold them. Traveling in this manner does not require Item Slots, such as when Carrying a Downed ally. Allies moved in this manner may Dismount and use any of their remaining movement after your Turn.

Speed - A flash in the pan, a split second reaction, a foot that won't stop tapping. You're not just fast; everyone else is too slow. 

    -You always go first in any Round (arguing Speed-Blessed may settle their differences with a DEX save against the other).
    -You gain an additional Move action each Round.

Strength - A bent metal bar, a shattered boulder, a world that folds around you like paper. Your strength is greater than most could gain with training alone. 

    - Bulky items only require 1 hand to carry.
    - Your Unarmed Attacks may deal 1d8 Damage instead of 1d4, but require a STR save or suffer Fatigue.
    - Downed Allies only take 3 Slots to Carry.

Shell - A tough hide, a strong constitution, a will to power through the pain. Your body has a covering you can use to shield yourself from harm. 

    - You naturally have +1 Armor that cannot be negated.
    - You may choose to spend your entire Action retreating into your shell for a Round, doubling your total Armor for the duration, but rendering yourself immobile.

Foresight - A sixth sense, a connection with the divine, your bad leg aching when a storm is coming in. You know things you shouldn't, but not necessarily how to use that knowledge. 

    - You gain a pool of three d6 which may be spent individually to alter any Save by the value it produces. The Player must declare their intent to use this ability after the Save has been rolled, but before the GM narrates the effects. The GM will narrate the original result, as a Vision of a potential future, before resolving the adjusted value of the roll. These dice may be regained, 1 per short rest, or all 3 at the end of a long rest.

Camouflage -A whisper on the wind, a blur in the corner of your vision, the uncomfortable sensation of knowing you are not alone. You can hide in plain sight, but be wary should you be found.

    - You have the ability to become invisible to the naked eye once per Short Rest. You can fool creatures that rely on sight into ignoring you 1d4 times per use. Should the effect be discovered or dispelled, accept 1 Fatigue as punishment.

Elements - A burning passion in your heart, an icy chill down your spine, the depths of the ocean in your eyes. You gain the power of an Element, able to call it forth at will. 

    -Once per short rest, you may choose to become Imbued, surrounding your body with your element. Roll 1d4, turning the die down one value at the end of every Round. Should the value turn below 1 before the effect is dismissed as an Action, you take Fatigue equal to the original value of the roll. While Imbued, your Unarmed Attacks deal 1d6 instead of 1d4, and you gain +1 Armor. You cannot use Shields or Weapons in this state, though they remain in your Inventory.
   -You may Cast your Element as though it were a Ranged Spell, for 1d4 damage.

Reach - stretchy. Idk, i'll come back to this. Tangle the Lemur and Ristar.

    - You may choose to spend your entire Round (Movement AND Action) to extend your limb in a straight line, up to your Maximum Movement and do 1 of the following:
        - Attack an Enemy within your Limb's range
        - Grab an Enemy or Object and drag them to your starting location
        - Launch yourself forward in a straight line, traveling up to double the distance that was extended.
    The limb always retracts at the end of the round.

Form - Your body is clay to be molded as you see fit.

    - You may contort your body to replicate the shape and function of an object you are familiar with. If the object is a Weapon, you may use that Weapon's Damage die and Properties on a successful WIL save each Round. Otherwise, the effect ends and your body returns to normal. Replicating objects you are not familiar with, such as machinery, fine art, or specific door keys require a WIL save, and incur a Fatigue on a failure.

Iron Stomach - kirby basically

    -You can consume Relics, innately gaining their effects, charge capacity, and recharge requirements. Only One Relic can be consumed at a time; should another Relic be consumed, it's abilities overwrite the previous. If a PC goes Down, they temporarily lose all abilities from the Consumed Relic until the end of a Long Rest. Once Consumed, a Relic cannot be retrieved, destroying it utterly.

Clouds - Something about being Lightweight

  - You gain a pool of three d6 which may be spent individually to absorb Damage from 1 attack to HP or STR. The Player must declare their intent to use this ability after the Damage has been rolled, but before the GM narrates the effects. The PC is instead shot backwards from the source of the damage 1d6x10 feet. If the PC is restrained, and thus unable to be launched, they instead take 1d2 Fatigue per spent Dice. These dice may be regained, 1 per short rest, or all 3 at the end of a long rest.

Until Next Time,

    -Farmer Gadda

A Radical Stash of 1d20 Mondo Cool Items for OSR - Party like it's 199X

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