Monday, May 20, 2024

LEGO Adventurers DINO ISLAND - Summer LEGO RPG Setting Jam Entry

 Howdy, Farmhands.

     When it came to my attention that DIY&dragons was hosting a Summer Lego Jam, I knew I had to get in on the action. Lego, specifically the sets released around the turn of the millennium, were my bread and butter as a kid, and I still collect the stuff today. It makes all the sense in the world that the open-concept, sandbox style of play present in those toys could be used as inspiration for a Tabletop Role-playing game.

     The actual parameters of the Jam do not call for a complete Game Product, however. There are purposeful holes left in the designs I hand over to you today. I assume no system or method of play, simply outlining a setting and implying procedures you'll need to adapt to your table of choice.

    Anyone who uses your setting will have to do additional work to get it game-ready, so help them out by making something exciting and inspirational! Basic guidelines are more important than fine-grained distinctions. Be clear and coherent, use motifs and themes, and trust that the person running the game will make decisions that are shaped by the tools you've given them -diy&dragons

     To that end, this post assumes you are using a system with its own support for Overland Travel, be it pointcrawl, hexcrawl, or whatever else. It also assumes some method of facilitating faction play, with at least 2 separate groups for players to ally with. There is no inherent 'good' team, despite Johnny Thunder being the hero of the original LEGO theme. Statistics for Dinosaurs, Weapons, or Vehicles are absent, you'll need to plug those in should you need them.

Thanks, Inkarnate

A mysterious island inhabited by survivors of the great extinction; the Dinosaurs here have lived in peace for thousands of years... until now! Johnny Thunder's expedition arrives to study this phenomenon, while his rival, the Baron, follows closely for profit. Both risk endangering the balance of nature and triggering the Volcano at the center of this lost world.

    The Adventurers Team

  • Johnny Thunder: Daring, Handsome, Audibly Australian. Out of his depth with no Treasure to find.
  • Dr. Lightning: Academically Brilliant but Absent-minded. Naively ignorant to the potential abuse the Island faces.
  • Mike: Eager to please. Inexperienced. Views Johnny as a role model.
  • Miss Pippin Reed: Journalist with a One-track mind. Focused on writing the best story, to the detriment of the subjects she covers.

    The Adventurers will attempt to corral a random specimen to their base for study, a process that takes 1d4 days. If made aware of the Baron's crew having successfully captured a dinosaur, they will attempt to free it, but otherwise focus on their own work.

    The Baron's Crew

  • Lord Samuel Sinister von Barron: Successful Criminal with a personal vendetta against Johnny Thunder. His wealth was primarily gained through grave robbing. Actively haunted by an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh that tells bad jokes.
  • Alexia Sinister von Barron: Younger sister. Pragmatic. Prefers easy money to harebrained schemes.
  • Mr. Cunningham: Slovenly layabout. Loyal to Alexia,specifically Frequently overestimates his own capability. 
  • Ghost of Pharaoh Hotep: Incorporeal Guardian of the stolen Re-Gou Ruby. Has the sense of humor of a 12-year-old. Wants his gemstone returned to Egypt or to ruin Sam Sinister's day, whichever's easiest.

    The Baron's Crew alternates daily between 1. Setting Traps, 2. Damaging Adventurer's Infrastructure, and 3. Pursuing a random dinosaur. Should any of their activities be foiled by the Adventurers specifically, as opposed to their own hubris, they will spend 1d4 days 'Plotting and Scheming' and generally keeping to themselves.

    The Dinosaur Herds

  • Stegosaurus: Defensive. Prone to stampede. Avoids Triceratops herd.
  • Triceratops: Aggressive. Travels in a Clockwise direction across the island.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex: Opportunistic Scavengers. Follow the nearest moving herd. Passive until their young is threatened.
  • Brachiosaurus:  Immovable object. Fears no Predator. Travels between Swampland and Jungle in search of tall foliage.
  • Pteropod Flock: Annoying. Curious. Too intelligent for their own good.

     The Dinosaur Herds are in constant movement, and keeping track of which herd is where is vital to traversing safely across the island. The location of the 1d3 Tyrannosaurus Rexes should be kept a secret from players, though the table can and should participate in the daily adjustment of the herds' location, for the sake of the GM's sanity.


1. Base: (5987 Dino Research Compound) A rusty radio transmitter tower held together with driftwood, rope, and prayers. Constantly in need of repairs. A clearing nearby works as an airfield.

2. Swamp: (5912 Mike's Swamp Boat) More of a marsh, really. Potentially a quick path across the island, if your boat doesn't get stuck.

3. Jungle: A thick forest with massive trees. Predators roam the edges, looking for easy meals.

4. Plains: (5955 All Terrain Trapper) Grassland with little cover. Stegosaurus can be found here, unless they've been run off by a traveling Triceratops.

5. Stony Beach: (5975 T-rex Transport) Grey and dismal; no creature bothers traveling here.

6. Pterodon Rock : (5921 Research Glider) Steep stone, devoid of plant life. The Pterodon flock nests here at night, returning to the green main island with the sun.
7. Volcano : An imposing peak with lava visible at the lip of the caldera. The slightest jostle could set off an eruption. The Cave system below is too narrow for predators to follow.


    Brickset List of all Official Products
    Brickset List of "DINOSAURS" Sister Series
Brickset List of "STUDIO" Sister Series
    Compilation of tie-in short Comics

    DL Link for A 3D modeling program with the large majority of LEGO's pieces included; useful for creating custom renders for game visuals.


    Vehicles have always featured prominently in Lego sets, and Dino Island is no exception. Before play, determine which vehicles of either Minifig faction are operational, and scatter resources to fix up the rest across the island as player rewards. If you're using a system that supports it, consider having specific vehicles negate difficult travel over specific terrain.

    The caves beneath the Volcano are purposefully left without any dungeon map. What is contained beneath it, and how or why your table will seek it out is up to you - is there a mystical artifact keeping the island afloat? Ruins of a Minifig civilization that once shared the island with the Dinosaurs? A gateway to the ancient past through which the ancestors of the Dinosaurs traveled? Listen to your table discuss the possibilities, and then decide what would be the most exciting to uncover! 

    Additional Dinosaur Herds for desired dinos (raptors or ocean predators come to mind) could be included, but the interplay between the herds I've already written means that interacting with One affects the locations and temperament of the rest. Adding more herds in would require they weave into this tapestry, or they may as well just be set dressing. 


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