Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dabloons and Hint Merchants for Heroes of Cerulea

I've been given this power and am about
to make it everyone else's problem

Howdy, Farmhands!

    Blackfisk Publishing released the 3rd Party License for works based on Lucas Falk's "Heroes of Cerulea," ahead of the game's public release and promised Itch.io Jam. I'm already super in love with the base game, and cannot wait for there to be additional content to fill out the empty spaces of it's overworld map. So much so, that I started working on this project the same day my kickstarter backer physical copy finally arrived at my door!

    The issue was in finding a foothold for which to insert anything new. Heroes of Cerulea is a game that flirts with being a Capsule Game, where both the game mechanics and campaign setting are cleanly laid out for you with limited room for expansion. There really isn't much the game system NEEDS outside what's already offered, barring those un-written squares on the World Map. I've chosen to come at this from the other direction, then. Instead of asking "What does this video-game adaptation need to be a better ttrpg", I'm wondering "What does this ttrpg need to be a better video-game adaptation?" 

    Heroes of Cerulea wears it's inspiration as a badge of honor, emulating the screen-crawly dungeon games of the 8 bit era. A time before internet and google, with secrets shared across the school yard at recess with no way to vet any of the information other than trying it out for yourself. I've decided to try and re-create the experience of having little but some cryptic dialogue from an in-game npc and your own common sense to try and figure out the game world.

    One thing before I begin, though- *ahem*

 This is an independent production, unaffiliated with Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing, published through the Heroes of Cerulea Third Party License. Heroes of Cerulea is copyright Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing.

Until next time,

    Farmer Gadda

Dabloons And Hint Merchants

"Pawprint Coin" by JB-Pawstep (Deviantart)

Dabloons are a coin-based currency with a Paw Print design, found in Standard Loot in place of a Heart (33-34) when the PC is at full hearts. Alternatively, a reward for re-completing mini-games. The pool is marked seperately from the Character sheet, shared amongst the total party, and any member can choose to "spend" them with Felain the Hint Merchant in exchange for a Hint

The Hint Merchant: A furry, cat-like NPC from a distant land. Curious to a fault, and willing to share what they've heard for a Shiny Dabloon. They will appear outside of dungeons if the party leaves after completing at least 1 Room, or Restarts after a Game Over.

"A Wizard Cat" by heikala (Deviantart)

"Ny'ah-ha-ha! I found you, Travelers!"

Hint Merchant's Shop

Price Result
1 Dabloon Random Hint
4 Dabloons Choose a Hint

  • If the Party rolls or asks for something they've already learned, the Hint Merchant will respond, "I think you already Nyow that :3c" and return their Dabloons.

Hint Table

DD Hint Dialogue
11-14 Challenge "Ny'ey there, Travelers! Did you see that (Puzzle Type) in Room (Room Letter)? [Puzzle Description Table]."
21-22 Monster Type "Nya? Those tracks... I bet they mean a (Monster) is in this dungeon!"
23-24 Monster Heart "Nya? Are you scared of the [Monster Description]? Don't worry, (X) bonks ought'a take care of them!"
31 Mini-boss Lore "Nya've you heard the Rumors about (Mini-Boss Monster)? [Tall Tales Table] Or at least, that's what -I- heard~"
32-33 Mini-boss Hearts "Nya-ha-ha! Ny'aving a hard time with (Mini-Boss Monster)? Don't worry, (X) smacks ought'a do it."
34 Mini-boss Special Attack Be careful, Travelers! (Mini-Boss Monster)'s Special Attack might (Description of Special Attack)
41 Boss Lore "Nya've you heard the Tale of (Boss Monster?) [Tall Tale Table]! Or at least, that's what -they're- saying! Nya-ha!""
42 Boss Hearts "Nya-ha-ha! Ny'aving a hard time with (Boss Monster)? Don't worry, (X) good whacks ought'a do it.
43 Boss Weakness "Nya've you heard? (Boss Monster) can be beaten easily if you [Weakness Table ("Heroes of Cerulea", pg.27)]!"
44 Boss Special Attack Oh Ny'o! Watch out for (Boss Monster)'s Special Attack! It'll (Description of Special Attack)

Puzzle Table

Puzzle Type Dialogue
Mini-Boss (Use Unused Dialogue from Mini-Boss Heart or Special Attack response)
Monster (Use Dialogue from Monster Type or Hearts response)
Switch Puzzle "There's gotta be some sorta pushy-pully-switchy thing somewhere to activate it. I wonder what'll nya'ppen when you do?"
Push Puzzle
  • (Push a Block) "I feel like a Block is out of place... Can you guess which one?"
  • (Rotate a Statue) "Ny'a-ha-ha! That Statue's facing the wrong way! Ny'a? Which one?"
    1. (North facing) "I'll Never tell!"
    2. (East facing) "It's Easy to guess!"
    3. (South facing) "Sadly, I can't say!"
    4. (West facing) "I Wonder if you'll figure it out!"
  • (Rearrange blocks in a particular pattern) "Ny'a gotta place 'em in a pattern, see? Start with (First Block Location) and finish with (Last Block Location),  you can figure out the rest!"
Brazier Puzzle
  • (Light all Braziers) "Make it bright, light 'em up, get your shine on!"
  • (Extinguish all braziers) "Tone it down, dim the lights, make it moody~"
  • (Light braziers in a pattern) "Ny'a gotta light em in order, see? Start with (First Brazier) and finish with (Last Brazier), you can figure out the rest!"
Teleport Puzzle
  • (Activate Teleporters in a specific order) "Ny'a gotta activate them in order, see? Start with (First Teleporter) and finish with (Last Teleporter), you can figure out the rest!"
  • (Find the Correct Path) "I bet it's frustrating, huh? Ny'ow, how did the order go again...?"
    1. (North facing) "I'll Never tell!"
    2. (East facing) "It's Easy to guess!"
    3. (South facing) "Sadly, I can't say!"
    4. (West facing) "I Wonder if you'll figure it out!"
Hidden Door "No? Well, that's why it's called a 'Hidden Door Puzzle', silly! Take another look around, you'll find it!"
Key in Chest "I bet the Key is lying around somewhere; have you checked every Chest in the Dungeon?"
Key on a Monster "I'm sure something's run off with the Key. Go bother the Monsters until one of them coughs it up!"
Key from a puzzle "I figure the Key will be around somewhere. Maybe solve another Puzzle first and you'll find it?"
Elevation Obstacle "Unlike you, Travelers, I always land on my feet and have no problem leaping up to high places. Come with you? Help you throw down a rope or set up a ladder? Ny'o Thanks, I'm fine out here, Nya-ha-ha!"
Wall Obstacle "Two opposites usually cancel each other out! I wonder, what's the opposite of (Obstacle Theme)?"
Liquid Obstacle "Every tub has a drain, probably. I wonder if the trigger is even in the same room, though..."
Darkness Obstacle "I bet if you had a LANTERN, you'd be able to see better. There's gotta be a switch for the Lights somewhere, though!"

Monster Descriptor

The Hint Merchant will describe Monsters without their name outright, using a trio of words based on the monster's vibe. For example, a Rat would be called a "furry-sneaky-squeaky", while a Slime would be called a "gloopy-jello-fellow". Try to come up with something silly in the moment instead of preparing these ahead of time, for the humor of putting yourself on the spot and having to accept whatever you get.

Tall Tales

DD Tale
11 "One time, this Monster got chased by a guy wearing just his pants and brandishing a tree branch, and he TOTALLY beat them up. They don't really like talking about it."
12 They found a magic hat that makes them tiny- they're normally twice this size!"
13 "They tried to jump on top of a flying bird and missed! I'm sure they're still embarrassed about that landing!"
14 "It's always looking for a dog it can take on a walk. I didn't know Monsters kept pets..."
21 "They used to be friends with a talking sword! It doesn't talk anymore because it's run low on 'batteries,' whatever those are."
22 "They have a shining golden treasure they keep as a reward for helpful people! It's shaped like a... well, maybe you wouldn't really want it."
23 "It fell down a well once! Nobody really knows what went on down there, but afterwards, it seems super scared of it's own shadow!"
24 "It's got a cool looking rock shaped like a puzzle piece on one side! I bet if you found the matching half, it'd want to be your friend! Or not."
31 "It had a dream once... about an island and a giant egg... It said it felt so real..."
32 "It tried it's hand at being a Pirate at sea! Sadly, the crew loaded it up into a barrel and flung it back to shore."
33 "It sings a gentle tune to itself sometimes, then looks sad. Maybe it's a song shared by a friend, long ago?"
34 "They used to be a Werewolf. Don't worry, they got better."
41 "It SWEARS it saw an Italian man jump through a painting and just disappear! Yeah right. Everyone knows only Ghost Horses can do that."
42 "It fought a brave knight in brilliant metal armor and lost handily. Then the knight removed her helmet and it was like WHOAH, WHAT A BABE!"
43 "It likes to play make believe with the people it meets, but only if they play the bad guy."
44 "It tried to steal some Monkey's bananas once. They caught it and threw it in the Slamma."

And Just One More Thing...

As a Reward for collecting a grand total of 40 Dabloons, your table can unlock a new Player Option for your table! Now anyone can play a cat-folk whenever they please!

    ▸Felain. Furry, cat-like humanoid hailing from a distant land.
        Special: You
can spend 1 ENERGY to make a high pounce and STUN one Monster (not boss) for one ROUND
Starting Weapon: wooden stave

"Nya-ha-ha! So long, Travelers~ :3c"



This blogpost is soon to be made available in a prettier, fancier pdf format, in both color and print. The content is identical between the post and pdf releases, but if you want the information in a slightly more convenient and professional looking format, consider purchasing it at the link below: 

A Radical Stash of 1d20 Mondo Cool Items for OSR - Party like it's 199X

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