Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Rubberwho, a Player Option for The SANIC Hack

Howdy, Farmhands.

    This was sitting almost complete in my drafts for two months, just waiting for someone to complain loudly enough that I hadn't posted anything about the Sanic hack in a while.

    This one's for you, whiny little baby.

Till next time,

    Farmer Gadda



Rubberwho are a group of vibrantly colored, cartoonish folk. Their bodies are extra pliable, with skin like rubber and limbs that can streeeeeeeetch! Their physique and properties allows them to be incredibly mobile, with architecture built for primarily Rubberwho societies featuring long lengths of tubes, slides, and trampolines that would give other Kinds trouble. Despite the number of large family units choosing to settle among human-centric cities on the mainland, Rubberwho are adaptable enough to live comfortably anywhere that isn't too cold, and it isn't a stretch (heh) to find solitary Rubberwho happily added to a Furkind's pack.



Rubberwho traditionally retain strong familial ties, with a single naming convention being adapted into the names of every additional member. This could mean a shared surname, similar to Humans, or a phonetic syllable repeated across multiple forenames. Solitary Rubberwho may choose names that, when combined, create a sort of pun or word association. 

(I.e. The Smiths; Mac, Jack, and Plaque; Trom Bone)



Rubberwho can mold their bodies into almost any shape they want, choosing their form based on personal preference. Most tend to stick to simple geometric shapes, but some give themselves pseudo hair, ears, or other facial features. Sure, people read into their choices, make some assumptions about who they are based on their appearance, but are they accurate to the person inside? (That is, in fact, the joke.)

How do you choose to let the world PERCEIVE you?

d6Color    Shape
The color of Power and Passion.

Red Rubberwho are known for their aggression and short tempers. They may come across as irrational and difficult, or easy to mislead.


The most common shape of the Rubberwho, simple to maintain and easily recognizable. They appear soft and nondescript, making an individual easy to overlook in a crowd.
The color of Stability and Warmth.

Orange Rubberwho are called the homemakers of the world, always ready to listen and offer comfort. As an extension of their gentle nature, it's said that Orange Rubberwho are uniquely skilled at handling children and wild creatures.


Sharp right angles and smooth, even planes make up all 8 corners of a Cube Rubberwho. They have a reputation for being stubborn and difficult to talk to, and it's said that an opposing group of them are impossible to negotiate with.
The color of Youth and Joy.

Yellow Rubberwho are seen as childish or naive, with cutesy personalities. They may appear to be unknowledgeable about complex topics, or unable to remember details.


Usually an offshoot of Ball or Cube shaping, Objectual Rubberwho emulate a physical object as a form of self-expression. It can be as simple as including a "leaf" to look like an Apple, or adding bumps and divots to replicate a computer monitor. This decision is considered quirky and trendy by most.
The color of Safety and Success.

Green Rubberwho are considered trustworthy, but shrewd. It is commonly believed that any bet taken by a Green Rubberwho is sure to have a modest return.


While every Rubberwho has qualities comparable to Humans and Furkind, some take it a step further by replicating Human physique. This appears in the presentation of a more detailed torso, a head separated from the main body by a proper neck, and extraneous body parts like ears and hair.
The color of Melancholy and Calm.

Blue Rubberwho have long been known for their emotional stability and ability to help shoulder burdens. Their coloration symbolizes rain in many cultures, so a soothing nature that washes away worries is expected of them.

An inverse of Humanoid, many Rubberwho take inspiration from creatures, adding features like snouts, tails, and ears. Most choose to emulate an animal that exists within their local environment for efficiency purposes. Unfortunately, these forms come with the expectations of behavior similar to the creature being emulated, with Quadruped Rubberwho being labeled wild or feral.

The color of Prestige and Refinement.

Purple Rubberwho are assumed to have a strong sense of duty, with an air of authority to back it up. Being natural leaders in society, their taste in quality is never to be doubted.


Rarest, but most notable, Conceptual Rubberwho base their appearances on ideas over objects, attempting to express themes such as 'Dreams' or 'Hope' with their shape. These Rubberwho choose vague designs for their bodies, emulating the fluffiness of clouds or the shining points of a star as part of their overall presentation. The Rubberwho themselves frequently describe this practice as freeing, but outsiders describe them as pretentious.


  •     All The World's A Stage - You play into the perception of people around you, triggering a new Reaction Roll from any NPCs nearby. Roll 1d4; your DM will inform you of the results if you were to add or subtract that number from the Reaction table result, and you choose which you take. This Technique only works once on any given group of NPCs per day.


Unlike Furkind, who's blessings are chosen at the whims of the planet, Rubberwho inherit their special abilities from their ancestors, rarely deviating from generation to generation. This means that their pranks and bits can be iterated on for decades, with each successive Rubberwho continuing the work of their forefathers.

What BLESSING have you inherited from those who came before you?

d6        Blessing (Refer to This Blog Post)
Iron Stomach


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