Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Songs for Heroes of Cerulea


My mother didn't live to regret forcing me to take
piano lessons, so that honor goes to you ig

Howdy, Farmhands!

    So, Music. Music is like. A core element of video games. Especially Zelda video games.

    I'm gonna be honest that's the entire premise of this post. I wanted to add Songs to Heroes of Cerulea

    Here ya go.

Until Next Time,

    Farmer Gadda <3


    This is an independent production, unaffiliated with Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing, published through the Heroes of Cerulea Third Party License. Heroes of Cerulea is copyright Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing.


    A piece of music that, when played with intent, causes a reaction in the world around you. Known Songs can only be played with an Instrument in the player's Inventory, and when the unique limitation for the song are met. Songs exist outside traditional player Inventories, and it is presumed if One member learns the song, the rest of the Party is aware of it as well. Keep a list of Learned Songs' names and effects for future reference.

    [NAME OF SONG], limitation

  •     Third Creator's Hymn, req. Mysterious Statue, n/a Risky or Danger
Played to a Mysterious Statue. The words of the youngest of the Creator Dragons will answer 1 question honestly, then fade away. If used again, the Statue will hum along, but ignore any questions.
  •     Song of Slumber, cost 1 Energy, 1 Round
1d4 Monsters fall into a supernatural sleep until awoken by an Attack. Once this song has been used on a Monster, they are immune to falling for it again.
  •     Ode to Quill Town, cost 1 Energy, n/a Risky or Danger
A plucky tune that reminds you of a Duck's waddle.
Teleports a Party to the center of Quill Town.

 (Songs that affect Monsters ought to cost Energy, and only be usable once per combat to prevent cheesing. Songs that affect the geography of the world for puzzle solving should be free, but require the Players not be in combat. Songs that allow for Fast Travel or other QOL features should both cost energy and require the Players not be in combat, but ONLY affect Party Members.)


    An Item in your inventory that allows you to perform a Song of Magic. Once a Song of Magic is learned, players may purchase an Instrument for 30 Gems from Shops in Villages. 

    Elf: Flute, Oboe, Ocarina
    Avian: Accordian, Bagpipe
    Aquarian: Violin, Guitar, Harp
    Geon: Drum, Maraca, Rainstick
    Seedling: Trumpet, Saxophone, French Horn
    Felian: Harmonica, Jaw Harp, Jug

(An "Instrument" doesn't have to make noise in a traditional sense! Consider offering Wrist Bangles or Ribbons as Instruments that turn Songs of Magic into Dances!)


    Roll DD, 2d4 times. You are allowed to pull any combination of notes from the pool to create a simple melody, which repeats twice. A closing phrase of notes may be freehanded to complete the song, though this isn't required for gameplay.


11-12 : C

13-14 :D

21-22 : E

23-24 :F

31-32: G

33-34: A

41-42: B

43-44: High C


I rolled a 7 on 2d4, then roll DD 7 times to produce: B, E, High C, C, E, High C, High C (or just C, E, B, High C). Playing around in a Virtual Piano app, I found that Starting from the first rolled Note, B, and bouncing up and down the remaining notes made for a haunting little waltz; (B, E-High C, C) useful for the Song of Three Crows I'll eventually teach to my players when they find the right spot in the Gloomwood.

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