Monday, August 19, 2024

The Nether - A Depthcrawl for OSR/POSR games


Welcome to the Underground
(Minecraft Dungeons via

Howdy, Farmhands

    Yes, The Nether. Yes, like in Minecraft. No, I don't ever tire of making half-baked adaptations of media I enjoy separately from the TTRPG hobby. Here's what a Depthcrawl is. Here's what the Nether is. You're basically all caught up now.

    The purpose of introducing such a thing into an OSR game is twofold. Firstly - the option to take a quick kip to HELL is just fun. There's resources and adventures to be had without needing to invest in a whole campaign centered around the setting. Second of all - the Minecraft Nether is famous for its ability to act as a shortcut for travel. In-game, every 1 block is equal to 8, allowing you to blaze (heh) past difficult terrain, so long as you're willing to risk a fiery death in exchange for time saved. In an OSR game where an area may be straight up impassable, a dip into the Nether might get you onto the other side of that mountain range, supposing you survive it.

    This post is acting as a sort of proof of concept for now; some things like specific Adventure Sites will need their own pages with internal details, and I'm not about to sit here and write out an entire Minecraft Bestiary. What is going to follow is a series of posts where I take a Nether Biome, either from Vanilla or Modded (and won't that be a fun email to some poor coder, wondering what on earth I'm talking about when I ask permission to use their IP), and produce some simple tables with their unique content. Feel free to use as many or as few of these as you like for your own personal experience. I, for one, will be overloading myself until I burn out from the effort. Heh. Burn.

    Until Next Time,

        Farmer Gadda

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Babidra! Dinosaur Racing (and Gambling) for Heroes of Cerulea


Tyrannomon, as seen in
Bandai's Digimon Analyzer

Howdy, Farmhands.

    During the Kickstarter campaign of my current ttrpg fixation, Heroes of Cerulea, one of the met stretch goals was for the creation of a proper Third Party License for others to make and sell content compatible with the game. At the time, reading through the unlocked content and my pledge already safely invested, a single thought came unbidden to me and branded it's words into my soul; "I must add Chocobos." Years later, and with the final product in hand, I seek to fulfill this glorious purpose.

    There is a number of problems I had to address first, the largest being "how can I shave off the fewest serial numbers without making Square-Enix mad at me," so I sat down to determine what EXACTLY I wanted to include for an experience similar to the one in classic Final Fantasy. Using them as Mounts for easier travel was more or less out. Heroes of Cerulea has no codified rules for Overland Travel.  What I had left was "funny bipedal bird fellow" with "Racing?" underlined multiple times in my notebook. But Heroes of Cerula already has the playable Avian Kin, so even the BIRD part of this formula wasn't going to work.

    After some tinkering and scrolling pinterest for inspiration, I've settled on combining a Racing minigame with a separate inventory space for storing Items, in the form of a bunch of bumbling little Dino-guys, The Babidra! I hope you like them!

Until Next time,

    Farmer Gadda


    This is an independent production, unaffiliated with Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing, published through the Heroes of Cerulea Third Party License. Heroes of Cerulea is copyright Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Songs for Heroes of Cerulea


My mother didn't live to regret forcing me to take
piano lessons, so that honor goes to you ig

Howdy, Farmhands!

    So, Music. Music is like. A core element of video games. Especially Zelda video games.

    I'm gonna be honest that's the entire premise of this post. I wanted to add Songs to Heroes of Cerulea

    Here ya go.

Until Next Time,

    Farmer Gadda <3


    This is an independent production, unaffiliated with Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing, published through the Heroes of Cerulea Third Party License. Heroes of Cerulea is copyright Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dabloons and Hint Merchants for Heroes of Cerulea

I've been given this power and am about
to make it everyone else's problem

Howdy, Farmhands!

    Blackfisk Publishing released the 3rd Party License for works based on Lucas Falk's "Heroes of Cerulea," ahead of the game's public release and promised Jam. I'm already super in love with the base game, and cannot wait for there to be additional content to fill out the empty spaces of it's overworld map. So much so, that I started working on this project the same day my kickstarter backer physical copy finally arrived at my door!

    The issue was in finding a foothold for which to insert anything new. Heroes of Cerulea is a game that flirts with being a Capsule Game, where both the game mechanics and campaign setting are cleanly laid out for you with limited room for expansion. There really isn't much the game system NEEDS outside what's already offered, barring those un-written squares on the World Map. I've chosen to come at this from the other direction, then. Instead of asking "What does this video-game adaptation need to be a better ttrpg", I'm wondering "What does this ttrpg need to be a better video-game adaptation?" 

    Heroes of Cerulea wears it's inspiration as a badge of honor, emulating the screen-crawly dungeon games of the 8 bit era. A time before internet and google, with secrets shared across the school yard at recess with no way to vet any of the information other than trying it out for yourself. I've decided to try and re-create the experience of having little but some cryptic dialogue from an in-game npc and your own common sense to try and figure out the game world.

    One thing before I begin, though- *ahem*

 This is an independent production, unaffiliated with Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing, published through the Heroes of Cerulea Third Party License. Heroes of Cerulea is copyright Lucas Falk and Blackfisk Publishing.

Until next time,

    Farmer Gadda

A Radical Stash of 1d20 Mondo Cool Items for OSR - Party like it's 199X

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