Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Sherbet Forest Clearing

Sherbet Forest Clearing

(An Adventure Site for your Fantasy Elfgame of Choice)

"Forestmen’s Hideout 6054", TLG 1988

This Adventure Site was written as a thank you for a generous monetary donation that arrived during a moment of need!  Thank you so much for your support, Anonymous Farmhand!

    Deep within the dark woods of Sherbet Forest lives the jolly gang of misfits known as The Forestmen. Beloved by the peasantry and begrudgingly tolerated by royalty, these free spirits spend their days carousing in search of food and song. But one should never forget that the Forestmen's autonomy was hard won through their talents with sword and bow. They are a genial folk, but only as long as your respect their freedom.

    Upon stumbling into their clearing, the Forestmen will welcome you to their revel! There are tables full of snacks and soda and a roaring bonfire in the center of the space on which to roast marshmallows. No less than 20 Forestmen are partaking of the merriment at any one time, but individuals come and go silently, making it hard to keep track of who's who.

A. Boasting

    The Forestmen gathered around the campfire are playing a game of Boasts, trying to one-up the other in ridiculous claims of daring and bravery. In turn, they make a declaration of a feat they once committed, with the next either increasing the ridiculousness or demanding the previous member "Prove" they performed as promised. The challenged must then perform an act that explains their claim successfully, if they fail, they must serve the group another round of delicious Root Beer Floats. 

    One Time I-

1Beat Basil the Batlord in a duel
2Scared away the Black Monarch's Ghost
3Got a Kiss from Queen Leonora
4Told a joke that made King Richard laugh
5Rode on the back of an angry Dragon
6Liberated the Wolfpack's treasure hoard

-with nothing but-

1-My Bow, and - (Roll again on this table)
2-An impassioned Song and Dance routine
3-My bare, C-shaped hands
4-The feather in my Cap
5-A convincing impression of a Hunting Dog
6-A cleverly hidden Banana

-and then I evaded the Guard by-

1-Hiding inside a Hay-bale!
2-Digging an Escape tunnel under the jail cells!
3-Finding a secret passage!
4-Swimming across the Moat!
5-Swinging from the Chandelier!
6-Flinging myself from a Catapult!

If any member of the party can succeed at proving a Boast they were challenged over, the Forestmen will reward them with their pick from the Treasure Cart

B. Captured Knight

    A Knight bearing the arms of the Royal Family sits behind rusty bars in the hollow of a tree. They alternate between glaring at their captors and staring longingly at their confiscated weapons at the Treasure Cart. (They're mostly upset at the mocking they've suffered for lowering their guard in the Forestmen's woods.) What do the Forestmen plan to do with their captive?

C. Treasure Chest

    A wooden chest filled with loot, atop a dual wheeled barrow. The yellow flag tied to a spear is in tatters, and the house crest of the crusading Lion Knights has been scarred by arrow marks. The Forestmen will happily tell you of how they managed to acquire these goods, but they keep a watchful eye of anyone who nears their hoard. Attempting to steal from them will not end well for you or your party.

What wonderful loot have the Forestmen collected?

1d6      Result
1The Sword (d6) and Shield of a captured Lion Knight. Presenting these to a Lion Knight has a 1 in 6 chance of convincing them you are a member of their order.
2 Dragomil Stave - A metal rod with a 5 pointed star sculpted onto the end. Spews a line of Dragon's Fire when used. (d8, 3 charges, only 1 remaining) To recharge, it must be heated with a true Dragon's flame.
3Sanguine Helm - A black metal helmet with batwing horns jutting from the sides. Wearing this puts the Peasantry at unease, and may frighten weak opponents (Morale saves are at Disadvantage)
4Locksley's Bow - A weapon crafted by Robin himself. Arrows fired from it act as if enchanted, and fly towards anything painted to look like a bulls-eye. (Robin stopped using it. Except as a laugh)
5 Banner of the Pack - A cloth flag embroidered with the head of a Wolf. Showing this to marauders met on the highways have a 50% chance of allowing you safe passage, should they believe you one of them.
6Golden Idol - A statue of a wingless reptile, made of solid Gold. Larger than a man's head and too heavy to carry without assistance. If chosen, the statue forever "belongs" to the Party member, but until they can successfully remove it without help, it will remain in the Forestmen's treasure hoard. 

D. Tree Houses

    High above the treeline, floating constructions have been built haphazardly around the strongest of tree trunks, connected by rope bridges and accessed with hidden pulley systems. The Forestmen protect their safe havens with all of their might, and refuse entry to strangers. If you can prove yourself an ally of theirs, or better yet, pledge to join their ranks, they may grant you access to their home and family.

What can you gain from joining the Forestmen?
  • Distrust from the Monarchy!

    The agreements that leave the Forestmen unencumbered by things like Taxes and Sworn Fealty were written under less than amicable circumstances. The reigning government fears what will happen if either side breaks the treaty, or worse, the Forestmen decide they want more.

  • Knowledge of Sherbet Forest!

    The secret of Sherbet's enchantments is known only to Robin Hood himself, and as long as it remains that way, the forest is a confusing maze to anyone not of his clan. Membership with the Forestmen includes you and your party in that exclusive club, preventing you from ever getting lost within it's borders.

  • Robin's Attention!

    The wayward Lord of House Locksley keeps a close eye on his Forestmen. While in Sherbet Forest, there is a 1 in 6 chance per day that a missive tied to an arrow will land near your Party, though you'll never see the archer who fired it. Complete the task written inside to increase Hood's trust in you; a strong enough faith in your abilities will increase the asks you may make of him in return.

    Once the feast wraps up, the Forestmen will blindfold and lead their Guests on a twisting and random path before releasing them within eyesight of the Castle.Unless explicitly invited and guided by a Forestman, the clearing cannot be found again. Don't worry though, should the Party ever enter the wood in the future, the Forestmen will be well aware of their arrival.

A Radical Stash of 1d20 Mondo Cool Items for OSR - Party like it's 199X

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