Sunday, November 17, 2024

Slip-Wreck Rock

 Slip-Wreck Rock 

(An Island Adventure Site for your elfgame of choice.)

"Island of Dragons Bones" by Zhang Li

     A simple jut of stone and sand, upon which the fossilized bones of some great beast lay. The water surrounding it feels oily and smells revolting. A small pit-stop of a village has been built here, with little to offer but cheap grog and the barest of supplies.

This Adventure Site was written as a thank you for a generous monetary donation that arrived during a moment of need!
Thank you so much for your support, Nebulabash!

A. Ribcage Village - The pillars of bone create a sturdy support for this series of wooden bridges and buildings. Rope lifts allow the villagers to travel up and down the different layers, with the prime real estate being along the spine. (The smell's thinnest up there)

    - Point of Interest: Pigsbreath Pub - A greasy shack with bar stools next to the open windows. Offers mugs of grog and "Seashore Surprise." The surprise is that it's made from whatever recently was found on the seashore. PCs can sell whatever they've foraged here, for a copper each.

B. Seashore - A small strip of sticky sand with an unnatural sheen. Once per day, the party can forage for resources, though anything they find is glossy and unpleasant to touch. A cave system can only be accessed during low-tide, leading to area C.

What Washed Ashore on Slip-Wreck?

1. 1d6 Fish? These were probably fish once. This one has three eyes!
2. A cluster of sentient seaweed. When a PC nears, it lashes out and attempts to drag them back into the sea. On a successful hit, it gives up and scampers into the water.
3. Driftwood and other detritus. Collecting enough of this will let you build a vacation home here!
4.  A message in a bottle. The words are too smeared in grease to read, but it DOES make you wonder if this gunk is flammable. (It is)
5. 1d4 Bone shards (As Caltrop), sections of bone that's flaked off the Beast and been shaped by the ocean waves. Feels worse than stepping on a Lego.
6. A whole parrot, bright green and waterlogged. What's a tropical jungle bird doing all the way out here- oh no wait. It's just a seagull covered in slime.

C. Cave Mouth - Filled with wet and slimy rocks. Movement is difficult, and any loud noise has a 1 in 4 chance of dropping a sharp Stalactite on your head for d6 damage.

D. Vertical Passage - A hollow in the pillars of rock that hold the Beast's bones, 60 feet high with the sky visible above. The walls are coated with the same slime as the rest of this place, with a visible water line stopping halfway up. If adventuring during daylight, swarms of bats rest in the shadows of the outcroppings and will attempt to knock you off your perch if disturbed. (Dex save)

E. Skull Hollow - A large cavern of bone, held aloft by a spear of stone through the skull. A blackened tooth drips with putrid goop from above; retrieving it will end the unfortunate spill surrounding the island.

    - Special Item: Toothrot (As Great sword), once per day, can spew a stream of putrid, flammable liquid from it's tip, creating difficult terrain or subduing a creature with it's stench on a failed CON save

A Radical Stash of 1d20 Mondo Cool Items for OSR - Party like it's 199X

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